Multiuser Drawing Pad Built with Pure JavaScript/HTML5/Canvas
This example shows how to create a simple multiuser drawing pad (aka shared whiteboard, multiuser sketchpad, or collaborative painting tool) using pure JavaScript and HTML5's <canvas> tag. The drawing pad updates in realtime when any connected user draws a line.
Here's UnionDraw. Have a scribble!
To manage communication between users, the JavaScript code uses OrbiterMicro, which connects to Union Server. For maximum speed, the connection to Union Server is made over WebSocket in browsers that support it. Where WebSocket is not supported, OrbiterMicro automatically falls back to Union platform's binary request model for responsive two-way communication over traditional HTTP.
The drawing pad works in Firefox 3+, Chrome 1+, Safari 4+, iPad, iPhone 3+, Android 2.1+, Internet Explorer 8+, and Opera 9.5+. Support for <canvas> in Internet Explorer 8 is provided by Google's ExplorerCanvas.
Stripped of comments and line breaks, the code is about 350 lines of client-side JavaScript, and requires no server-side programming.
The Code
UnionDraw is broken into two files: an HTML wrapper that provides the drawing canvas and basic user interface, and a JavaScript file that implements the application logic. Both files are shown below.
UnionDraw requires access to a Union Server. In this example, we connect to the public test server
The multiuser aspects of the shared drawing program rely on three key Union platform features: rooms, client attributes, and room messages.
UnionDraw's room is named "examples.uniondraw". It gives users a place in which to share information, such as drawing commands and line styles. Upon joining the "examples.uniondraw" room, users automatically begin receiving updates relevant to the drawing application. For example, a user might receive an update such as: "user 236 drew a line from 40,45 to 65, 50". Because users join "examples.uniondraw", and not any other room, they automatically ignore traffic generated by other applications on the server. For example, a UnionDraw client never receives the position of the ball in the Union Pong room, which also runs on
UnionDraw's client attributes specify each user's current line thickness and color. The attributes are named, appropriately, "thickness" and "color". When a client changes its "color" attribute to, say, "#666666", all other clients in the "examples.uniondraw" room are instantly notified of the change. To change an attribute, clients use the MessageManager's sendUPC() command to send a SET_CLIENT_ATTR message to the server. For example, the following code changes the attribute named "thickness":
msgManager.sendUPC(UPC.SET_CLIENT_ATTR, orbiter.getClientID(), "", Attributes.THICKNESS, newThickness, roomID, "4");
To be notified of attribute changes received from other clients, each client registers a message listener for CLIENT_ATTR_UPDATE messages, as follows:
msgManager.addMessageListener(UPC.CLIENT_ATTR_UPDATE, clientAttributeUpdateListener, this);
The list of available UPC ("Union Procedure Call") messages is documented in the UPC Specification. Unlike Orbiter and Reactor, OrbiterMicro applications send raw UPC messages directly. The lower-level API keeps OrbiterMicro's file size small, making OrbiterMicro usable in bandwidth-limited environments, such as mobile devices.
UnionDraw's room messages include the MOVE message and the PATH message. A client sends a MOVE room message when it wishes to inform other clients in the "examples.uniondraw" room that it has moved its drawing pen position. A client sends a PATH room message when it wishes to inform other clients in the "examples.uniondraw" room that it has drawn a line. The PATH room message includes the list of points in the new line. To send a room message, clients use the MessageManager's sendUPC() command to send a SEND_MESSAGE_TO_ROOMS message to the server. For example, the following code sends a "MOVE" message to all clients in the "examples.uniondraw" room (arguments for SEND_MESSAGE_TO_ROOMS are listed in the UPC Specification):
msgManager.sendUPC(UPC.SEND_MESSAGE_TO_ROOMS, Messages.MOVE, roomID, "false", "", x + "," + y);
To be notified when MOVE and PATH messages are received from other clients, each client registers a message listener for MOVE and PATH, as follows:
msgManager.addMessageListener(Messages.MOVE, moveMessageListener, this, [roomID]); msgManager.addMessageListener(Messages.PATH, pathMessageListener, this, [roomID]);
Both the MOVE and PATH messages are determined by UnionDraw's application code. Each Union platform application defines its own attributes and messages, and uses its attributes to share data and its messages to send commands to the server and to other clients.
Now here's the source code for UnionDraw.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>UnionDraw: Multiuser Drawing Pad in JavaScript</title> <!--Prevents iPhone, iPad, and touch devices from scrolling or zooming when touched--> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" /> <!--CSS--> <style type="text/css"> html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; } #canvas { background-color: #333333; position: absolute; top: 35px; } #status { color: #FFFFFF; position: absolute; cursor: default; font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; margin: 10px; top: 30px; } #controls { background-color: #AAAAAA; position: absolute; font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: smaller; padding: 3px; width: 594px; height: 25px; } select { font-family: monospace; font-size: medium; } * { padding:0; margin:0; } </style> <!-- Load Canvas support for IE8. ExplorerCanvas courtesy Google. See: --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="excanvas.js"></script> <![endif]--> <!--Load the OrbiterMicro JavaScript library (non-minified version). Use during development.--> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!--Load the OrbiterMicro JavaScript library (minified version). Use for production.--> <!--<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>--> <!--Load UnionDraw application code--> <script src="UnionDraw.js"></script> </head> <body> <!--Drop down menus for selecting line thickness and color--> <div id="controls"> Size: <select id="thickness" class="fixed"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="10">10</option> <option value="20">20</option> </select> Color: <select id="color"> <option value="#FFFFFF">#FFFFFF</option> <option value="#AAAAAA">#AAAAAA</option> <option value="#666666">#666666</option> <option value="#000000">#000000</option> <option value="#9BA16C">#9BA16C</option> <option value="#CC8F2B">#CC8F2B</option> <option value="#63631D">#63631D</option> </select> </div> <!--The canvas where drawings will be displayed--> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <!--A status text field, for displaying connection information--> <div id="status"></div> </body> </html>
//============================================================================== // ORBITER VARIABLES //============================================================================== // The Orbiter object, which is the root of Union's JavaScript client framework var orbiter; // The MessageManager object, for sending and receiving messages var msgManager; // A convenience reference to net.user1.orbiter.UPC, which provides a // list of valid client/server UPC messages. See: var UPC = net.user1.orbiter.UPC; // The ID of the room users will join in order to draw together var roomID = "examples.uniondraw"; // A hash of client attribute names used in this application. Each client sets a // "thickness" attribute and a "color" attribute, specify the thickness and // color of the current line being drawn. var Attributes = {THICKNESS:"thickness", COLOR:"color"}; // A hash of room message names used in this application. MOVE means move the // drawing pen to the specified position. PATH supplies a list of points to be // drawn. var Messages = {MOVE:"MOVE", PATH:"PATH"}; //============================================================================== // LOCAL USER VARIABLES //============================================================================== // A flag to track whether the user is drawing or not var isPenDown = false; // Line defaults var defaultLineColor = "#AAAAAA"; var defaultLineThickness = 1; var maxLineThickness = 30; // Tracks the current location of the user's drawing pen var localPen = {}; // The user's line styles var localLineColor = defaultLineColor; var localLineThickness = defaultLineThickness; // A list of points in a path to send to other connected users var bufferedPath = []; // A timestamp indicating the last time a point was added to the bufferedPath var lastBufferTime = new Date().getTime(); //============================================================================== // REMOTE USER VARIABLES //============================================================================== // A hash of pen positions for remote users, in the following // format ("2345" is an example client ID): // {"2345": {x:10, y:10}} var userCurrentPositions = {}; // A hash of pending drawing commands sent by remote users, the following format: // {"2345": [{commandName:moveTo, arg:{x:10, y:10}}, {commandName:lineTo, arg:{x:55, y:35}}]}; var userCommands = {}; // A hash of line colors for remote users, in the following format: // {"2345": "#CCCCCC"}; var userColors = {}; // A hash of line thicknesses for remote users, in the following format: // {"2345": 5}; var userThicknesses = {}; //============================================================================== // DRAWING VARIABLES //============================================================================== // The HTML5 drawing canvas var canvas; // The drawing canvas's context, through which drawing commands are performed var context; // A hash of drawing commands executed by UnionDraw's rendering process var DrawingCommands = {LINE_TO: "lineTo", MOVE_TO: "moveTo", SET_THICKNESS: "setThickness", SET_COLOR: "setColor"}; //============================================================================== // TIMER VARIABLES //============================================================================== // The ID for a timer that sends the user's drawing path on a regular interval var broadcastPathIntervalID; // The ID for a timer that executes drawing commands sent by remote users var processDrawingCommandsIntervalID; //============================================================================== // TOUCH-DEVICE VARIABLES //============================================================================== var hasTouch = false; //============================================================================== // INITIALIZATION //============================================================================== // Trigger init() when the document finishes loading window.onload = init; // Main initialization function function init () { initCanvas(); registerInputListeners(); initOrbiter(); iPhoneToTop(); setStatus("Connecting to UnionDraw..."); } // Set up the drawing canvas function initCanvas () { // Retrieve canvas reference canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); // If IE8, do IE-specific canvas initialization (required by excanvas.js) if (typeof G_vmlCanvasManager != "undefined") { this.canvas = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(this.canvas); } // Size canvas canvas.width = 600; canvas.height = 400; // Retrieve context reference, used to execute canvas drawing commands context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.lineCap = "round"; // Set control panel defaults document.getElementById("thickness").selectedIndex = 0; document.getElementById("color").selectedIndex = 1; } // Register callback functions to handle user input function registerInputListeners () { canvas.onmousedown = pointerDownListener; document.onmousemove = pointerMoveListener; document.onmouseup = pointerUpListener; document.ontouchstart = touchDownListener; document.ontouchmove = touchMoveListener; document.ontouchend = touchUpListener; document.getElementById("thickness").onchange = thicknessSelectListener; document.getElementById("color").onchange = colorSelectListener; } // Initialize Orbiter, which handles multiuser communications function initOrbiter () { // Create the Orbiter instance, used to connect to and communicate with Union orbiter = new net.user1.orbiter.Orbiter(); // If required JavaScript capabilities are missing, abort if (!orbiter.getSystem().isJavaScriptCompatible()) { setStatus("Your browser is not supported.") return; } // Register for Orbiter's connection events orbiter.addEventListener(net.user1.orbiter.OrbiterEvent.READY, readyListener, this); orbiter.addEventListener(net.user1.orbiter.OrbiterEvent.CLOSE, closeListener, this); // Retrieve a reference to the MessageManager, used for sending messages to // and receiving messages from Union Server msgManager = orbiter.getMessageManager(); // Connect to Union Server (at the public testing site) orbiter.connect("", 80); } //============================================================================== // ORBITER EVENT LISTENERS //============================================================================== // Triggered when the connection to Union Server is ready function readyListener (e) { // Register for UPC messages from Union Server msgManager.addMessageListener(UPC.JOINED_ROOM, joinedRoomListener, this); msgManager.addMessageListener(UPC.ROOM_OCCUPANTCOUNT_UPDATE, roomOccupantCountUpdateListener, this); msgManager.addMessageListener(UPC.ROOM_SNAPSHOT, roomSnapshotListener, this); msgManager.addMessageListener(UPC.CLIENT_ATTR_UPDATE, clientAttributeUpdateListener, this); msgManager.addMessageListener(UPC.CLIENT_REMOVED_FROM_ROOM, clientRemovedFromRoomListener, this); // Register for custom messages from other users msgManager.addMessageListener(Messages.MOVE, moveMessageListener, this, [roomID]); msgManager.addMessageListener(Messages.PATH, pathMessageListener, this, [roomID]); // Create a room for the drawing app, then join it msgManager.sendUPC(UPC.CREATE_ROOM, roomID); msgManager.sendUPC(UPC.JOIN_ROOM, roomID); } // Triggered when the connection to Union Server is closed function closeListener (e) { setStatus("Disconnected from UnionDraw."); // Stop drawing content sent by other users clearInterval(processDrawingCommandsIntervalID); } // Triggered when this client has joined the server-side drawing room function joinedRoomListener (roomID) { // Periodically execute drawing commands sent by other users processDrawingCommandsIntervalID = setInterval(processDrawingCommands, 20); } // Triggered when this client is informed that number of users in the // server-side drawing room has changed function roomOccupantCountUpdateListener (roomID, numOccupants) { numOccupants = parseInt(numOccupants); if (numOccupants == 1) { setStatus("Now drawing on your own (no one else is here at the moment)"); } else if (numOccupants == 2) { setStatus("Now drawing with " + (numOccupants-1) + " other person"); } else { setStatus("Now drawing with " + (numOccupants-1) + " other people"); } } //============================================================================== // HANDLE INCOMING CLIENT ATTRIBUTES //============================================================================== // Triggered when Union Server sends a "snapshot" describing the drawing room, // including a list of users supplied as unnamed arguments after the // roomAttributes parameter. For a description of roomSnapshotListener()'s // parameters, see "u54" in the UPC specification, // at: This client receives the room // snapshot automatically when it the joins the drawing room. function roomSnapshotListener (requestID, roomID, occupantCount, observerCount, roomAttributes) { // The unnamed arguments following 'roomAttributes' is a list of // clients in the room. Assign that list to clientList. var clientList =; var clientID; var roomAttrString; var roomAttrs; var attrName; var attrVal; // Loop through the list of clients in the room to get each client's // "thickness" and "color" attributes. for (var i = 0; i < clientList.length; i+=5) { clientID = clientList[i]; // Each client's room-scoped client attributes are passed as a // pipe-delimited string. Split that string to get the attributes. clientAttrString = clientList[i+4]; clientAttrs = clientAttrString == "" ? [] : clientAttrString.split("|"); // Pass each client attribute to processClientAttributeUpdate(), which will // check for the "thickness" and "color" attributes. for (var j = 0; j < clientAttrs.length; j++) { attrName = clientAttrs[j]; attrVal = clientAttrs[j+1]; processClientAttributeUpdate(clientID, attrName, attrVal); } } } // Triggered when one of the clients in the drawing room changes an attribute // value. When an attribute value changes, check to see whether it was either // the "thickness" attribute or the "color" attribute. function clientAttributeUpdateListener (attrScope, clientID, userID, attrName, attrVal, attrOptions) { if (attrScope == roomID) { processClientAttributeUpdate(clientID, attrName, attrVal); } } // Triggered when a clients leaves the drawing room. function clientRemovedFromRoomListener (roomID, clientID) { // The client is gone now, so remove all information pertaining to that client delete userThicknesses[clientID]; delete userColors[clientID]; delete userCommands[clientID]; delete userCurrentPositions[clientID]; } // Checks for changes to the the "thickness" and "color" attributes. function processClientAttributeUpdate (clientID, attrName, attrVal) { if (attrName == Attributes.THICKNESS) { // The "thickness" attribute changed, so push a "set thickness" command // onto the drawing command stack for the specified client. But first, // bring the thickness into legal range if necessary (prevents thickness hacking). addDrawingCommand(clientID, DrawingCommands.SET_THICKNESS, getValidThickness(attrVal)); } else if (attrName == Attributes.COLOR) { // The "color" attribute changed, so push a "set color" command // onto the drawing command stack for the specified client addDrawingCommand(clientID, DrawingCommands.SET_COLOR, attrVal); } } //============================================================================== // HANDLE INCOMING CLIENT MESSAGES //============================================================================== // Triggered when a remote client sends a "MOVE" message to this client function moveMessageListener (fromClientID, coordsString) { // Parse the specified (x, y) coordinate var coords = coordsString.split(","); var position = {x:parseInt(coords[0]), y:parseInt(coords[1])}; // Push a "moveTo" command onto the drawing-command stack for the sender addDrawingCommand(fromClientID, DrawingCommands.MOVE_TO, position); } // Triggered when a remote client sends a "PATH" message to this client function pathMessageListener (fromClientID, pathString) { // Parse the specified list of points var path = pathString.split(","); // For each point, push a "lineTo" command onto the drawing-command stack // for the sender var position; for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i+=2) { position = {x:parseInt(path[i]), y:parseInt(path[i+1])}; addDrawingCommand(fromClientID, DrawingCommands.LINE_TO, position); } } //============================================================================== // BROADCAST DRAWING DATA TO OTHER USERS //============================================================================== // Sends the local user's drawing-path information to other users in the // drawing room. function broadcastPath () { // If there aren't any points buffered (e.g., if the pen is down but not // moving), then don't send the PATH message. if (bufferedPath.length == 0) { return; } // Use SEND_MESSAGE_TO_ROOMS to deliver the message to all users in the room // Parameters are: messageName, roomID, includeSelf, filters, ...args. For // details, see msgManager.sendUPC(UPC.SEND_MESSAGE_TO_ROOMS, Messages.PATH, roomID, "false", "", bufferedPath.join(",")); // Clear the local user's outgoing path data bufferedPath = []; // If the user is no longer drawing, stop broadcasting drawing information if (!isPenDown) { clearInterval(broadcastPathIntervalID); } } // Sends all users in the drawing room an instruction to reposition the local // user's pen. function broadcastMove (x, y) { msgManager.sendUPC(UPC.SEND_MESSAGE_TO_ROOMS, Messages.MOVE, roomID, "false", "", x + "," + y); } //============================================================================== // PROCESS DRAWING COMMANDS FROM OTHER USERS //============================================================================== // Pushes a drawing command onto the command stack for the specified client. // At a regular interval, commands are pulled off the stack and executed, // causing remote user's drawings to appear on-screen. function addDrawingCommand (clientID, commandName, arg) { // If this client does not yet have a command stack, make one. if (userCommands[clientID] == undefined) { userCommands[clientID] = []; } // Push the command onto the stack. var command = {}; command["commandName"] = commandName; command["arg"] = arg; userCommands[clientID].push(command); } // Executes the oldest command on all user's command stacks function processDrawingCommands () { var command; // Loop over all command stacks for (var clientID in userCommands) { // Skip empty stacks if (userCommands[clientID].length == 0) { continue; } // Execute the user's oldest command command = userCommands[clientID].shift(); switch (command.commandName) { case DrawingCommands.MOVE_TO: userCurrentPositions[clientID] = {x:command.arg.x, y:command.arg.y}; break; case DrawingCommands.LINE_TO: if (userCurrentPositions[clientID] == undefined) { userCurrentPositions[clientID] = {x:command.arg.x, y:command.arg.y}; } else { drawLine(userColors[clientID] || defaultLineColor, userThicknesses[clientID] || defaultLineThickness, userCurrentPositions[clientID].x, userCurrentPositions[clientID].y, command.arg.x, command.arg.y); userCurrentPositions[clientID].x = command.arg.x; userCurrentPositions[clientID].y = command.arg.y; } break; case DrawingCommands.SET_THICKNESS: userThicknesses[clientID] = command.arg; break; case DrawingCommands.SET_COLOR: userColors[clientID] = command.arg; break; } } } //============================================================================== // TOUCH-INPUT EVENT LISTENERS //============================================================================== // On devices that support touch input, this function is triggered when the // user touches the screen. function touchDownListener (e) { // Note that this device supports touch so that we can prevent conflicts with // mouse input events. hasTouch = true; // Prevent the touch from scrolling the page, but allow interaction with the // control-panel menus. The "" variable provides the name // of the HTML element that was touched. if ( != "SELECT") { e.preventDefault(); } // Determine where the user touched screen. var touchX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX - canvas.offsetLeft; var touchY = e.changedTouches[0].clientY - canvas.offsetTop; // A second "touch start" event may occur if the user touches the screen with // two fingers. Ignore the second event if the pen is already down. if (!isPenDown) { // Move the drawing pen to the position that was touched penDown(touchX, touchY); } } // On devices that support touch input, this function is triggered when the user // drags a finger across the screen. function touchMoveListener (e) { hasTouch = true; e.preventDefault(); var touchX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX - canvas.offsetLeft; var touchY = e.changedTouches[0].clientY - canvas.offsetTop; // Draw a line to the position being touched. penMove(touchX, touchY); } // On devices that support touch input, this function is triggered when the // user stops touching the screen. function touchUpListener () { // "Lift" the drawing pen, so lines are no longer drawn penUp(); } //============================================================================== // MOUSE-INPUT EVENT LISTENERS //============================================================================== // Triggered when the mouse is pressed down function pointerDownListener (e) { // If this is an iPhone, iPad, Android, or other touch-capable device, ignore // simulated mouse input. if (hasTouch) { return; } // Retrieve a reference to the Event object for this mousedown event. // Internet Explorer uses window.event; other browsers use the event parameter var event = e || window.event; // Determine where the user clicked the mouse. var mouseX = event.clientX - canvas.offsetLeft; var mouseY = event.clientY - canvas.offsetTop; // Move the drawing pen to the position that was clicked penDown(mouseX, mouseY); // We want mouse input to be used for drawing only, so we need to stop the // browser from/ performing default mouse actions, such as text selection. // In Internet Explorer, we "prevent default actions" by returning false. In // other browsers, we invoke event.preventDefault(). if (event.preventDefault) { if ( != "SELECT") { event.preventDefault(); } } else { return false; // IE } } // Triggered when the mouse moves function pointerMoveListener (e) { if (hasTouch) { return; } var event = e || window.event; // IE uses window.event, not e var mouseX = event.clientX - canvas.offsetLeft; var mouseY = event.clientY - canvas.offsetTop; // Draw a line if the pen is down penMove(mouseX, mouseY); // Prevent default browser actions, such as text selection if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } else { return false; // IE } } // Triggered when the mouse button is released function pointerUpListener (e) { if (hasTouch) { return; } // "Lift" the drawing pen penUp(); } //============================================================================== // CONTROL PANEL MENU-INPUT EVENT LISTENERS //============================================================================== // Triggered when an option in the "line thickness" menu is selected function thicknessSelectListener (e) { // Determine which option was selected var newThickness = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; // Locally, set the line thickness to the selected value localLineThickness = getValidThickness(newThickness); // Share the selected thickness with other users by setting the client // attribute named "thickness". Attributes are automatically shared with other // clients in the room, triggering clientAttributeUpdateListener(). // Arguments for SET_CLIENT_ATTR are: // clientID // userID (None in this case) // attrName // escapedAttrValue // attrScope (The room) // attrOptions (An integer whose bits specify options. "4" means // the attribute should be shared). msgManager.sendUPC(UPC.SET_CLIENT_ATTR, orbiter.getClientID(), "", Attributes.THICKNESS, newThickness, roomID, "4"); // After the user selects a value in the drop-down menu, the iPhone // automatically scrolls the page, so scroll back to the top-left. iPhoneToTop(); } // Triggered when an option in the "line color" menu is selected function colorSelectListener (e) { // Determine which option was selected var newColor = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; // Locally, set the line color to the selected value localLineColor = newColor; // Share selected color with other users msgManager.sendUPC(UPC.SET_CLIENT_ATTR, orbiter.getClientID(), "", Attributes.COLOR, newColor, roomID, "4"); // Scroll the iPhone back to the top-left. iPhoneToTop(); } //============================================================================== // PEN //============================================================================== // Places the pen in the specified location without drawing a line. If the pen // subsequently moves, a line will be drawn. function penDown (x, y) { isPenDown = true; localPen.x = x; localPen.y = y; // Send this user's new pen position to other users. broadcastMove(x, y); // Begin sending this user's drawing path to other users every 500 milliseconds. broadcastPathIntervalID = setInterval(broadcastPath, 500); } // Draws a line if the pen is down. function penMove (x, y) { if (isPenDown) { // Buffer the new position for broadcast to other users. Buffer a maximum // of 100 points per second. if ((new Date().getTime() - lastBufferTime) > 10) { bufferedPath.push(x + "," + y); lastBufferTime = new Date().getTime(); } // Draw the line locally. drawLine(localLineColor, localLineThickness, localPen.x, localPen.y, x, y); // Move the pen to the end of the line that was just drawn. localPen.x = x; localPen.y = y; } } // "Lifts" the drawing pen, so that lines are no longer draw when the mouse or // touch-input device moves. function penUp () { isPenDown = false; } //============================================================================== // DRAWING //============================================================================== // Draws a line on the HTML5 canvas function drawLine (color, thickness, x1, y1, x2, y2) { context.strokeStyle = color; context.lineWidth = thickness; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x1, y1) context.lineTo(x2, y2); context.stroke(); } //============================================================================== // STATUS //============================================================================== // Updates the text of the on-screen HTML "status" div tag function setStatus (message) { document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = message; } //============================================================================== // IPHONE UTILS //============================================================================== // Hides the iPhone address bar by scrolling it out of view function iPhoneToTop () { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPhone") != -1) { setTimeout (function () { window.scroll(0, 0); }, 100); } } //============================================================================== // DATA VALIDATION //============================================================================== function getValidThickness (value) { value = parseInt(value); var thickness = isNaN(value) ? defaultLineThickness : value; return Math.max(1, Math.min(thickness, maxLineThickness)); }
For more information on creating connected applications with JavaScript using the Union platform, see Orbiter and OrbiterMicro's documentation.