Union 1.0.2 Release Notes

Union 1.0.2 is now available for download. This release introduces OrbiterMicroNode, a Node.JS framework for creating Union load testers, automated clients, and two-way communication bridges between Node.JS and Union. Union 1.0.2 also adds a Modules tab to Union Admin, and includes a variety of minor improvements and bug fixes.

Users of tryunion.com please note: Reactor 1.0.0 and OrbiterMicro 1.0.0 are compatible with Union Server 1.0. No client code updates are required for this release.

Union 1.0.2 includes the following changes.

Reactor (Client Framework for Adobe® Flash® Player)

  • Bug fix: Setting "auto reconnect frequency" to -1 now stops any existing reconnect timer in progress
  • Administrators can now clear Union Server's module cache
  • Administrators can now request a list of server modules via ServerModuleListSnapshot
  • API Change #496: Renamed RoomModuleType to ModuleType

For a complete list of changes in Reactor, see the Reactor 1.0.2 Release Roadmap.

OrbiterMicro (Client Framework for JavaScript)

  • OrbiterMicro can now run in non-browser environments such as Node.JS
  • Event listeners now have access to the target of event dispatches
  • OrbiterMicro now uses cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) when available for HTTP communication
  • Log messages can now be displayed in the console in Chrome, Firefox (via Firebug), and other browsers that have a console. To enable console logging, use the Orbiter class's enableConsole() method.
  • Bug fix: Setting "auto reconnect frequency" to -1 now stops any existing reconnect timer in progress

For a complete list of changes in OrbiterMicro, see the OrbiterMicro 1.0.2 Release Roadmap.

OrbiterMicroNode (Client Framework for Node.JS)

First release of OrbiterMicroNode, a framework for creating Union client applications with JavaScript that run in the Node.JS server environment.

Union Server

Note: There has been an API change to the Datasource interface. Please see this ticket for more details.

  • Feature: Add ACCOUNT_CREATE_REQUESTED Server Event.
  • Feature: Allow custom Access-Control-Allow-Origin header for TCP gateways.
  • Bug fix: Bad delimiter in u104 (CLIENT_SNAPSHOT) when client logged in.
  • Bug fix: Exception when checking security on server created room and permission is admin only.
  • Bug fix: ServerEvent.CLIENT_LOGIN, ServerEvent.CLIENT_LOGOFF not dispatching.
  • Bug fix: Server will attempt to honor multiple u65 (CLIENT_HELLO).
  • Bug fix: Ensure scoped account attributes are loaded even if client has not joined the applicable room.

For a complete list of changes in Union Server, see the Union Server Release Roadmap.

Union Admin

  • Added a new tab, "Modules," for working with server modules. The Modules tab includes a list of currently active server modules and the ability to clear Union Server's module cache.

For a complete list of changes in Union Admin, see the Union Admin 1.0.2 Release Roadmap.

Reactor GUI

  • Added the client ID of the current client to the StatsPane component