All Classes and Interfaces

An Account represents a persistent user in the Union Server.
AccountEvent is a simple data class used to pass information from an account to registered event-listeners when an event occurs.
Attributes are values that can be set on AttributeHolders.
Thrown when an Exception occurs while using attributes.
An AttributeHolder can have attributes.
Contains information about a client that was banned.
This is the base class for all events dispatched in the server.
A client is a single user in the system who has connected to the server.
ClientEvent is a simple data class used to pass information from a client to registered event-listeners when a client event occurs.
Thrown when trying to obtain a reference to a client by using it's client ID but no such client exists.
The cluster controls behaviour related to communication within the cluster.
Represents a Connection to Union.
Thrown when trying to create a module if the module cannot be created.
Thrown when trying to create a module if the module cannot be created.
Thrown when trying to create a room if the room cannot be created.
A Datasource saves/retrieves persistent information on the server.
DatasourceContext contains contextual information about the environment in which a datasource is running.
Thrown when trying to set an attribute that should be evaluated.
All events dispatched in the server implement the Event interface.
An EventProducer is capable of dispatching events to listeners who have registered to receive those events.
Filters can be used when sending messages to determine if a client will receive the message or not.
Thrown when trying to obtain a reference to a module by using it's module ID but no such module exists.
Thrown when trying to set an attribute that has previously been set with the flag Attribute.FLAG_IMMUTABLE.
A module that only allows a configurable number of clients to be connected to the server at the same time.
A module that only allows a configurable number of clients with the same connection address to connect concurrently.
This module enforces a max room limitation on the server.
A message is the unit of communication for clients, rooms and modules.
A module extends the functionality of the server or a specific room.
Thrown when trying to set create a module with an ID that already exists.
ModuleContext contains contextual information about the environment in which a module is running.
A ModuleDef defines how a module should be constructed.
ModuleEvent is a simple data class used to pass information from a module to registered event-listeners when a module event occurs.
Thrown when trying to obtain a reference to a module by using it's module ID but no such module exists.
A RemoteEvent is an event dispatched across a cluster.
A RemoteEventProducer can dispatch events that are re-dispatched by the equivalent objects across the cluster.
RemoteRoomEvent is a simple data class used to pass information from a room to registered event-listeners when a remote room event occurs.
Modules can use this annotation to have methods automatically listen for remote room events.
RemoteServerEvent is a simple data class used to pass information from the server to registered event-listeners when a remote server event occurs.
Request represents a client request made to the server such as create room, send message or set attribute.
Indicates that an attribute in a module is required and must be correctly set or the module will not be created.
A room is a place for clients to engage in group communication.
Thrown when trying to create room but a room with the ID already exists on the server.
A RoomDef defines how a room should be constructed.
RoomEvent is a simple data class used to pass information from a room to registered event-listeners when a room event occurs.
Modules can use this annotation to have methods automatically listen for room events.
Thrown when trying to obtain a reference to a room by using it's room ID but no such room exists.
A ScriptWrapper acts as a proxy for scripts for event handling.
Used by applications to perform various security functions such as: - determine if an action is permissible.
The server is the container for all other objects in the server.
ServerEvent is a simple data class used to pass information from the server to registered event-listeners when a server event occurs.
Modules can use this annotation to have methods automatically listen for server events.
Thrown when a client, through UPC, triest to set an attribute that has previously been set with the flag Attribute.FLAG_SERVER_ONLY.
This class contains a list of all Status codes used in the UPC specification.
The superclass for all custom exceptions thrown by the server.
UPCEvent is a simple data class used to pass information about a UPCEvent to registered event-listeners.
Modules can use this annotation to have methods automatically listen for server events.
Contains information about the processing of a UPCMessage (the low level message structure used by the server).
Used to access the events and methods of the underlying UPCMessages being processed.
UpdateLevel contains a breakdown of information that can be retrieved by the server.
Some utilities for developers creating server side modules.