Lots of connection attempts in log

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Lots of connection attempts in log

Postby toby » Wed 21 Nov 2012 00:37

Lots and lots of these are in the log:
Code: Select all
2012-11-20 10:14:30,985 INFO  - PrimaryGateway connection from [/129.xxx.29.1:33932]

(I changed one part of the IP address to xxx here)

I have seen this with other clients as well, and wonder if it indicates a problem
and if so, if there is a solution. It doesn't seem to bother the connected client,
but there can be dozens or hundreds of these over a period time. They continue
as long as he stays connected.

Most clients just have one of these messages at the time they connect and login.

Here is an excerpt from a log.
Client 44 is the one associated with that address.

Code: Select all
2012-11-20 10:14:30,985 INFO  - PrimaryGateway connection from [/129.xxx.29.1:33932]
2012-11-20 10:14:31,185 INFO  - PrimaryGateway connection from [/129.xxx.29.1:33945]
2012-11-20 10:14:38,442 INFO  - PrimaryGateway connection from [/129.xxx.29.1:34389]
2012-11-20 10:14:38,447 DEBUG - from 44 C2S_SEND_MESSAGE_TO_ROOMS(u1)
2012-11-20 10:14:38,447 DEBUG - Server to 43 S2C_RECEIVE_MESSAGE(u7)
2012-11-20 10:14:38,447 DEBUG - Server to 44 S2C_RECEIVE_MESSAGE(u7)
2012-11-20 10:14:38,448 DEBUG - Server to 16 S2C_RECEIVE_MESSAGE(u7)
2012-11-20 10:14:38,638 INFO  - PrimaryGateway connection from [/129.xxx.29.1:34411]
2012-11-20 10:14:45,025 INFO  - PrimaryGateway connection from [/129.xxx.29.1:34786]
2012-11-20 10:14:45,216 INFO  - PrimaryGateway connection from [/129.xxx.29.1:34791]
2012-11-20 10:14:45,327 INFO  - PrimaryGateway connection from [/129.xxx.29.1:34794]
2012-11-20 10:14:45,518 INFO  - PrimaryGateway connection from [/129.xxx.29.1:34797]
2012-11-20 10:14:47,532 INFO  - PrimaryGateway connection from [/129.xxx.29.1:34897]
2012-11-20 10:14:47,538 DEBUG - from 44 C2S_SEND_MESSAGE_TO_ROOMS(u1)
2012-11-20 10:14:47,538 DEBUG - Server to 43 S2C_RECEIVE_MESSAGE(u7)
2012-11-20 10:14:47,538 DEBUG - Server to 44 S2C_RECEIVE_MESSAGE(u7)
2012-11-20 10:14:47,538 DEBUG - Server to 16 S2C_RECEIVE_MESSAGE(u7)
Posts: 162
Joined: Sun 24 Jun 2012 14:18

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