[SOLVED] SSH into Union Cloud instance

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SSH into Union Cloud instance  

Postby jjMedina » Sun 26 Jan 2014 16:17

Hi Union team!

I recently upgraded to Union Cloud to run a game I built, so I have a couple of questions. The server I am working with is ucode.unioncloud.io.

My main issue is that I stopped the Server through Union Admin, and I want to start it up again. I am unable to log back into Union Admin using the same credentials that I was using before (which are also the same credentials I got in the email from Influxis).

After searching the forum and online, I assumed that the only other method to re-start the server is to SSH into the server instance, and start it manually using the startserver.sh script.
I am using Cygwin on Windows 7 to SSH into my server instance.

At this point I should let you know that, despite being a seasoned web developer, my command-line experience is lackluster and my server administation skills are possibly worse. I've been looking at this as an experience to learn and develop some new skills.

in Cygwin, I've been running the command: $ ssh union@unioncloud.io , which prompts a password. (Here's the question)

I was given an SSH password and a Server Root password, which I tried here. Neither worked, so I went back to the welcome email from Influxis and read
"Note that the user “union” has also been assigned root privileges, and that root login over SSH has been disabled on your server."

From this I take that the union user has root priveleges, but I cannot login over SSH to the site root? Hmmm... Help me out.

Q1. Is there another way to start the server again without SSH or Union Admin
Q2. The reason I can't login to Union Admin is that my server is currently shut down, right?
Q3. Would you instruct me on logging into my server instance through SSH?

Thank you for your time!
Jj Medina
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri 06 Sep 2013 17:21

Re: SSH into Union Cloud instance

Postby colin » Mon 27 Jan 2014 21:56

hi jj,
Q1. Is there another way to start the server again without SSH or Union Admin

once you shut the server down, ssh is required to start it again. however, if necessary, unioncloud.io support would be able to start it for you.

Q2. The reason I can't login to Union Admin is that my server is currently shut down, right?

very likely correct.

Q3. Would you instruct me on logging into my server instance through SSH?

it looks like you accidentally omitted the subdomain in your ssh command. try this (note the addition of "ucode."):

Code: Select all
ssh union@ucode.unioncloud.io

if you haven't changed the "union" user's password, it should still be the same as the one listed in the welcome email, and you should be able to login with it.

once logged in, to start union server, issue the following two commands:

Code: Select all
cd /usr/local/union

"root login has been disabled' means that literally the user named "root" cannot ssh to your unioncloud instance. users with root privileges (such as "union") can still ssh to the instance.

if you have any other questions, please contact:

the support team can help you get things started again.

Posts: 232
Joined: Mon 17 Oct 2011 18:47

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