Clients get confused if server restarts? Union bug?

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Clients get confused if server restarts? Union bug?

Postby toby » Sun 30 Nov 2014 22:06

I have long observed that Union Admin displays incorrect client data (such as connection state)
if you logout - restart the server - and login again without reloading Union Admin.

[ See for example this thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=243 from two years ago. ]

Now I observe something similar in a user client using Orbiter 2.0.0

Here is my test case:
  • Start the server.
  • Window #1 - Alice logs in becoming client 1.
  • Window #2 - Bob logs in becoming client 2.
  • Alice and Bob log off.
  • >> Restart the server, resetting the client numbers.
  • Alice and Bob switch windows and log in again, this time in the opposite order.
  • Now in Window #2, Alice sees Alice twice (as client 1 and client 2)
  • In Window #1, Bob sees Bob twice (as client 1 and client 2).

The server seems fine - if Alice and Bob send messages back and forth,
everything is fine, except it looks funny because the name of the client
the message came from is wrong.

The problem goes away if I refresh the browser pages after the server restarts.

While I'm not 100% sure this problem is in Orbiter, the fact that similar problems
occur in Union Admin suggest to me that there IS in fact some caching-of-clients issue here.

I am using RoomEvent.getClient to get the names (and other attributes),
and when I output debug code like this from my RoomEvent listener function.
c = eventvariable.getClient()
print (c)
The output is of the form [CLIENT clientID: 2, userID: Alice]
which is fine, except it should say "Bob" instead.

Can someone try this and see if I am correct that it is in the Union client interface code,
or I should look into my own code to find the problem?

For a possibly related symptom, see my other post: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=371
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Joined: Sun 24 Jun 2012 14:18

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