Converting to Java 8 - help needed

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Converting to Java 8 - help needed

Postby toby » Tue 13 Feb 2018 13:45

In another post today, I asked about the future of Union,
mentioning that it is so good, bug-fix and enhancement releases
aren't really needed much.

There is one place where that is not true: converting to Java release 8,
which made some significant changes.

In order to install server-side modules, you have to provide some code.
One of the options is to use Javascript, which then gets incorporated
into the Java-based Union code.

Up to Java 7 this was accomplished using something called Rhino,
which sorted out the linking and cross-language stuff.

In Java 8, they got rid of Rhino and replaced it with something else,
called Nashorn, which is not compatible with certain constructs
previously used.

While there are guides to migrating across, I wasn't able
to successfully navigate them, and feel like I'm stuck forever
using Java 7, which may eventually become impossible.

In particular, the use of importClass is not there,
which seems kind of important in getting the Union stuff
known in your module.

Has anyone successfully made that transition?
I could use some help in accomplishing that.
Posts: 162
Joined: Sun 24 Jun 2012 14:18

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