[SOLVED] Problems with Fridge Magnet demo for Reactor (Flash Client)

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Problems with Fridge Magnet demo for Reactor (Flash Client)  

Postby laplizard » Tue 07 Feb 2012 06:55

Hi Guys,

I've been trying to get the multiuser fridge magnet example (http://www.unionplatform.com/?page_id=1159) to build and work, using Union Reactor (Flash Client).
I'm using Adobe Flex 4.6 and Eclipse Classic 3.7.1 as my IDE.
Initially, I was getting errors on the multiuser fridge magnet action script, until I realised that the src for downloading (and shown on the web page) is out of date with the latest version of Reactor.
The problem was here:
in source file UnionFridgeMagnets.as
Line 13: import net.user1.reactor.RoomModuleType;
Line 53: modules.addModule("net.user1.union.example.roommodule.FridgeMagnetsRoomModule",
in package: net.user1.reactor, public final class RoomModuleType changed to public final class ModuleType, in Reactor 1.0.2.

OK...so this worked and my SWF file built. This file is 70k, whereas your demo SWF on the web page is 112k (not sure if that's significant, or just about the IDE?).
So, now if I run my version of the SWF (in Firefox) using tryunion.com:80, I get the fridge magnets, but on a white background (I guess this is because the formatting is in the HTML file and I'm just dropping the SWF?).

If I run two instance of my build of the demo, I get upredictable results... some magnet moves are received by the second client...some aren't. Usually, moves sent by the second client are not replicated in client 1 - ever. I've tried connecting my version and the web page version and the results are similar.

I wondered if this was a browser security issue about running mine locally. I tried changing Flash Player's security settings and running my SWF on a web server - same results.

My version of the demo is obviously different from yours, in that the web page resets the magnets and tracks users connected.

I've tried embedding my version in HTML, but that doesn't work at all. Even if I use the same code that you're using on the web example!

Please can you provide the correct HTML for embedding and also any suggestions about why my build isn't working.

Many thanks

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue 07 Feb 2012 06:35

Re: Problems with Fridge Magnet demo for Reactor (Flash Clie

Postby colin » Mon 14 May 2012 00:39

laplizard wrote:Initially, I was getting errors on the multiuser fridge magnet action script, until I realised that the src for downloading (and shown on the web page) is out of date with the latest version of Reactor.

thanks for letting us know, i've updated the example.

laplizard wrote:OK...so this worked and my SWF file built. This file is 70k, whereas your demo SWF on the web page is 112k (not sure if that's significant, or just about the IDE?).

the file on the web is a debugging build, which is a larger .swf file then a release build would be.

laplizard wrote:So, now if I run my version of the SWF (in Firefox) using tryunion.com:80, I get the fridge magnets, but on a white background (I guess this is because the formatting is in the HTML file and I'm just dropping the SWF?).

the background colour is set as a compiler option in flash builder.

laplizard wrote:If I run two instance of my build of the demo, I get upredictable results...

does the posted running sample at this page work for you?

laplizard wrote:Please can you provide the correct HTML for embedding and also any suggestions about why my build isn't working.

there's nothing special about the html embed code. you can use what flash builder generates, or swfobject.

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Joined: Mon 17 Oct 2011 18:47

Re: Problems with Fridge Magnet demo for Reactor (Flash Clie

Postby paala » Mon 01 Apr 2013 04:21

Now with reactor 2.01. ModuleType does not exists anymore. the fridge magnets code does not compile anymore.

now: [ROOM_MANAGER] Join result for room [examples.fridgemagnets]: ROOM_NOT_FOUND
Can you post the whole project as a download?
What union.xml should i use to test the game local?

edit2 I finnaly got this thing to work, but now I got the same results as the thread starter.
Some magnets move some don;t move. Like the messages were not sent

edit 3: I solve it. The problem was the resolution of the flash client.
SOme letters don;t move because it is a security on java if letter.x<600 & letter.y <400 , so if your flash size is bigger that 600 x400 if the letters are placed over that coordinates they don;t move
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon 01 Apr 2013 03:40

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